Sponsor the education of a learner in your community!
Your donation helps keep literacy programming free of charge for those who use it. Learning to read always opens up new worlds and opportunities – no matter who or where you are!
Expanding literacy, even one person at a time, has an exponential effect on the community.
Your sponsorship supports:
Tutor Training
ALF provides training for all our volunteers!
ALF provides safe and inclusive spaces for students to learn!
Books and Supplies
ALF provides learning programs, resources and supplies for all our learners!
Additional Programs
Students are welcome to take part in additional classes in Financial Literacy, Digital Literacy and more!
Everyone has the right to learn regardless of their current economic status. Adult Literacy Fredericton has a pantry in the classroom for any learners and volunteers who are in need. The pantry consists of food items, toiletries, learning supplies and more! You can't learn on an empty stomach. Check out our amazon wish list and see how you can help.